It was time for another physio check-up with Miwa, Kitsu and Emi.  Suki came along as he still needs regular therapies to support him and to check how his body is dealing with the back injury he had almost 2 years ago now.  We got very good news, the youngsters Kitsu and Emi were in top condition, no problems so a green card to go ahead with their winter training plan. Miwa, who switched to veteran class this summer also got a perfect result, so no need to slow down with this wonderful lady, she feels like a pup in mind and body, we also notice that every morning when she literally wakes up the whole house with her crazy attittude.  Suki joined us for his regular therapy and he is doing great, so much better than we could have ever hoped for.  With pain control meds, lots of mental exercises and detection work, we hope to have him with us for many more years!
Thanks Ellen @ het Waterhof for your amazing work!